The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106508 Message #2200981
Posted By: the lemonade lady
23-Nov-07 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Lost data UK Government
Subject: RE: BS: Lost data UK Government
Well I think if the country swallows this, the government really have got us in the palm of their hands. Important data like this is backed up. I don't doubt it.
10-15 years from now we'll see that this didn't happen at all and that it was all a story to redirect the people's attention away from what is really happening. This is a smoke screen. How do we know this has really happened? We're told it's ok, no harm will be done. Well of course no harm will be done, it hasn't happened at all. How can we find out for real? Think about it. I think it's brilliant, but I think I can see thru it. Can you proove me wrong?