The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106507   Message #2202052
Posted By: Peace
25-Nov-07 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Noise nuisance
Subject: RE: BS: Noise nuisance
"Four years (I think) ago, he moved in with his girlfriend a few miles away but still owns the house. Presumably because the house stands empty, he has radios and lights on timers, I guess to make it seem as though it's occupied. We believe ( znd I don't think it's paranoia) that it's also aimed to cause us problems since the radio is upstairs and his windows are double glazed so no one from outside can hear it anyway. It happens to be in the room next to my daughter's bedroom and can also be heard quite clearly in my husband's office.

It used to come on at 6.30am, go off at about 9.30 on again at 11.00 off at 3.00 on at 4 and off at 9.00. Since the clocks changed he hasn't changed the timers so it now comes on at 5.30. It's waking my daughter up and annoying her so much that she has now taken to sleeping in the sitting room, which is really not ideal."

Cut his power.