The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104630   Message #2202279
Posted By: oombanjo
26-Nov-07 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: Kirkby Fleetham Folk Club, North Yorkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: KFFC......New North Yorkshire (UK) Folk Club
What a great night. I go along with everything that the other's have said, Bill and I almost saw dawn break whilst jawing the fat in his amazing van. To BussyBee Paul thanks for the mining song, and to Peregrina,"Het was pretting kennis germaakt te hebben met u." Banjiman Paul, a great night with excellent company, as in all things you will have your highs and lows but keep it going you are on a winner .ps give my regards to Zeke who I share many friends with. Cheers and keep on pluck'n. Oombanjo.I'll get back up to show off my new Romero Banjo once it arrives.