The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106576   Message #2202562
Posted By: Donuel
26-Nov-07 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Holocaust Out of UK Schools? (Hoax?)
Subject: RE: BS: Holocaust Out of UK Schools?
In school we were all taught that the United States experienced a war between the states. There was no mention of a Civil War in our text book.

Regarding holocaust survivors there is something else going around now.
It is a claim that the origianl estimate of 1.6 million holocaust survivors being upgraded to 6 million.


I enjoyed the sick humor of Larry David when he had a dinner party with two Survivors. One was a tv show contestent and the other a concentration camp victim.

At a party here someone spoke of knowing a survivor so I asked if he was a TV contestent or a holocaust survivor. Eyes darted, jaws dropped, people melted away backwards...

Thanks Larry ;)