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Thread #92714   Message #2203219
Posted By: Amos
27-Nov-07 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Subject: RE: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
"...Now, Bush and Cheney are much more politically vulnerable to impeachment and criminal prosecution. Also newsworthy is that the mainstream media this time around, at least currently, is mostly treating all this as a non-story, with barely a follow-up mention of McClellan's bombshell and its implications. And I've seen no story in the corporate media that mentions Bush's granting of clemency to Libby as a possible obstruction of justice by someone who stands to benefit by Libby's continued silence.

If a scandal falls in the forest, and nobody hears it, did it happen?


Here's the encouraging truth. The American public, despite all attempts by the rightwing media to distract and distort, long ago became pretty much aware of the worst crimes, and incompetencies, of the CheneyBush Administration.

How can one not be aware of the following high crimes and misdemeanors?

==>their lies to get America into Iraq.

==>rationalizing violations of our privacy without any court approval (warrantless wiretapping, secretly rifling through our computers, our emails).

==>"disappearing" U.S. citizens and throwing them into jails on military bases with no access to lawyers.

==>encouraging torture of prisoners in U.S. care.

==>skirting international law and war-crimes treaties by "rendering" suspects to countries that specialize in extreme torture.

==>canceling the 800-year-old legal tradition of habeas corpus where an arrested person has to be arraigned in court and a judge must decide whether there is enough evidence to take the accused to trial or to let him/her go.

==>enabling corruption by U.S. corporations in Iraq and Afghanistan that amounts to grand larceny of billions from U.S. taxpayers.

==>responding cluelessly to the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans whereupon more than a thousand citizens died.

And on and on..."

(Excerpted from