The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106533   Message #2203383
Posted By: Rowan
27-Nov-07 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oz Prime Minister loses seat in election
Subject: RE: BS: Oz Prime Minister loses seat in election
Riginslinger, as you're probably aware from your research, "immigration" in the context of an Oz election (these days) covers two major issues;
1   how many we let in from countries where the majority are "not like us" (shades of the White Australia Policy) and
2   how we treat asylum seekers and other refugees, all demonised by the Coalition as "illegals".

The most recent comment I've been able to attribute to Rudd is his response to what he intends to do about the "Pacific Solution", a method used by the Caolition to declare some parts of Australia as not being parts of Australia for some purposes (particularly claiming asylum) and sending the claimants to special concentration camps on Manus Island (part of PNG, who need the money) and Nauru (who need the money even more); we have our own concentration camp on Christmas Island but that island is still part of Oz sometimes while the other two aren't at all. Rudd said he'd "take advice" on the matter.

Cheers, Rowan