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Thread #106606   Message #2203729
Posted By: Andrez
28-Nov-07 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: Tech: PCv/s MAC
Subject: RE: Tech: PCv/s MAC
We really need to bust a few myths about the Mac vs PC debate. The first thing is that what we are really talking about is the difference between operating system software i.e. Mac OS vs Microsoft Windows (and of course but to a lesser degree Linux). So we have computers made by Apple that run Mac OSX. We have PC's made by a zillion manufacturers that all basically run some flavour of Microsoft Windows. There are real differences between these two systems and these should be considered carefully by anyone contemplating buying a computer. Some of the more immediate issues have to do with the design of the user interface. This is what people use to get their computers and programs to "do" things. from my perspective as a user of both systems and in IT Support, the Macs wins hands down because the user interface is geared to the way people work and interact with computers. The Microsoft interface makes people adapt to it and its quirks.

It is in places illogical, inflexible and at times down right ugly (Please dont get me started on security issues, viruses, spyware, buggy software drivers, DOS and proprietry code instead of open standards just for starters).

It also forces people to have to learn a hell of a lot about computers than they ever really want to know and supports a huge industry of tech support consultants who you have to pay to get your computer to do things if you havent the interest or the aptitude to learn how to do it yourself. This then adds to the cost of the initial purchase particularly if you are unlucky enough to get a cowboy disguised as a "tech".

The other differences between Macs and PC's basically have to do (a) with hardware components and (b) the design considerations that go into how the computer is presented. IMHO there is NO debate about the design issues. Is there anyone out there using the worlds ugliest desktop: the green hillside image that is the default desktop in XP?

In relation to hardware there is a myth I have seen in some of the posts above and in other threads where it is suggested that Macs Cost more than PC's. To clarify some of the debate in this respect I have abridged an old article to make a few points and debunk the myth of the Mac as an expensive option.

Note that due to the age of the article I have edited it for relevance to todays computing environment. That aside the points that are made are real and should form the basis of any representative discussion about the relative merits of Macs and PC's in terms of hardware issues.


MACS COST MORE THAN PC'S David K. Every ©Copyright 1999
Understanding the ownership costs of personal computers

Initial Purchase Price

This is the actual initial cost to buy a computer. In general Macs cost less than name brand PC's and offer much more performance/value at that cost.

Most buyers naively only look at the initial purchase price of a computer and think that is "it". But the cost of a computer is its lifetime costs (not just the initial cost). Lets break down all the different aspects of computer costs individually:

You can still buy chop-shop garage clones for PC's for less than Macs, but you get much less. Of course you can also bargain shop for Macs and pick up refurbished machines (with warranty's) or discontinued models for less than these chop-shop machines. When you start averaging for value - warranty, reliability, usability, Hardware you get with the Mac software you get with Macs, then even retail Macs come out as the far better deal.

Some PC users are penny smart but pound foolish - they save a few bucks up front (or think they do), and don't ever realize how much they cost themselves down the line.

Productivity / Ease of Use

A machines real value is not measured in how much it costs, but in how much the user can use it, and how quickly and easily.

Every study ever done has concluded that the Mac was easier to use, and that its users were more productive. Which is the real measure of a computers value.

Many other examinations have been done on how many applications a computer user actually uses on their machines, or what they are using their machines for. Mac users, on average, are using more applications than PC users. Mac users are often using more cutting edge capabilities and pushing the envelope. Mac users are using their machines more. Which all makes perfect sense when you remember that this is the computer that is the easiest to use.

Maintenance (Support) Costs and expansion

Computer costs not only are the purchase price, but also all of the day to day costs to keep the machine up and working, upgraded and updated.


The is an old myth that Macs use special peripherals that cost more than the PC counterparts. But the Mac has almost always supported the same peripherals as PC's. Sometimes Mac variants have more features - like Apple monitors support resolution sensing and higher scan rates (for clearer images) - but Macs still work with PC peripherals as well.


Even if the PC's did cost less initially that would not alleviate all the other factors that contribute to a computers cost. Macs are still easier to install, easier to maintain, and easier to use - which is a lot of costs (time and money). Macs are easier to expand, and are often far more expandable (and pre-expanded) as compared to PC's. Macs offer more value, have higher customer satisfaction and higher reliability than PC's.


Another myth that I'll address in another post is that there is some software that is only available for PC's.. implying that for this reason Macs are somehow less than adequate relative to PCS.

