The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106567   Message #2203768
Posted By: GUEST,The Care & Rapaire Santaire
28-Nov-07 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
o woe

o the ignominy

that's it guys. This santa has had the sack.

got the word for head office at cock-crow: my supervisor's been monitoring the threads and reckons my parcel just won't live up to expectations and Rapaire's gonna be a disappointed li'l santee come Christmas morn.

I guess I didn't mention before that I was kinda on probation - three strikes, I'm out.

And, yeh, I'll allow that maybe sending that sack o' coal to Skipy was a bit hard last year. In my defence, he was cr*p at his hints but he's a nice enough joe and it wouldn't 'ave killed me to give him some leeway.

But I still think giving George Dubya "The Dummies Guide to Islam" was a perfeckly good choice of prezzie. Head office didn't agree, so that was 'strike one'.

So ... the boys upstairs are, apparently, gonna take over Rapaire's account. THEY say they're gonna do a 'proper' job but I gotta tell ya ... I've seen orders that are sent to Central Clearing and there ain't no tellin' what'll come of it.

Best of luck, spuddy. Season's greetings.

If you want me, I'll be cleaning out the reindeer stalls ...

CaRS (ret.)