The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106576   Message #2204044
Posted By: M.Ted
28-Nov-07 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Holocaust Out of UK Schools? (Hoax?)
Subject: RE: BS: Holocaust Out of UK Schools? (Hoax?)
Having taught in American schools, I pretty much take for granted that, no matter what the subject, there is some group, somewhere, that has an extreme and militant view about whatever is in the curriculum. Furthermore, in compliance with the "Whatever goes around comes around" principle, sooner or later, they are going to show up at the school. Invariably, they will be screaming threats and accusations, and waving something.

Apparently, according to a survey, some teachers in the UK have acknowledged that they avoided or de-emphasized certain subjects with a wish to avoid conflict. Obviously, this is an individual choice, though it may be a reflection of a cultural tendency to downplay conflict, and to avoid confrontations.

As an American, the idea that a teacher would attempt to avoid confrontation and conflict i is counter-intuitive. Why would anyone want to do something like that?;-)