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Thread #106606   Message #2204256
Posted By: elfcape
28-Nov-07 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: Tech: PCv/s MAC
Subject: RE: Tech: PCv/s MAC
Grab says :

"I've not had huge experience with Macs, but when I've had to use them, I've found it tricky to make them do anything that I wanted them to (down to simple actions like creating a new file, editing it and saving it)"

Simple action like creating a new file - not sure what could be simpler than holding down the Apple key and touching the N (for New) key.

Simple actions like editing a new file - well that's certainly open ended - just what sort of new file? Are you talking learning Word or Photoshop? If so, as a WordPerfect user I can't fathom Word, I'll never learn it on PC or Mac. It's horrid, stupid and unintuitive to me. As a Photoshop user for 13 years, and a photographer, it all makes perfect sense, but the keyboard commands on the PC are not consistent, so I prefer my Mac.

Now for saving a new file - not sure what could be easier than hitting the Apple key and the letter S, holding them down briefly until the dialog comes up and asks you where you wish to save the file.

So if you're not much of a Mac user, then I'm not sure you've even looked in the menus on the menu bar to find out how to do things when using the Mac. So I'm not sure you're in much of a position to talk about how intuitive the Mac OS is.

But I can tell you - I've been a Mac user since 1994, and one day last winter I had to borrow a PC running XP. I thought it might have some viruses so I launched IE and went off to see what updates Micro$loth had to offer. After considerable reading on their site I discovered that there was a Security Pack 2, and figured I should try downloading that. I started and it got hijacked by a Porn virus - locked me onto a Porn site. So I tried to Quit IE, but the porn site wouldn't let me.

Keep in mind that I have never seen a porn site up 'til now, and I'm not a spring chicken either with computers or the web. My Mac's browser doesn't get hijacked.

It took 2 days to fix that PC and I wouldn't have succeeded if I hadn't seen an ad on the NYTimes site for AVG/SVG (I don't quite remember which), a free malware protection application.

But, as a 13-year Mac user I'm happy to report that not only did I get that PC virus free, but I also installed the Security Update and returned the PC to its owner in good shape.

If your average Mac user can fix a PC without a manual, I'm not sure I'd give too much credence to a PC users negative opinions of the Mac. Most PC users pay people to fix their PCs.

Most Mac users don't have to fix their Macs.