The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106633   Message #2204366
Posted By: San Francisco Bill
28-Nov-07 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: First hydrogen station in Iceland fo....
Subject: RE: First hydrogen station in Iceland fo....
Up in Northern California, the electric utility has a plant called "The Geysers". Guess what power it works on?

I don't believe this 'global warming" hokum in the least. I think that - just like the oil and rubber companies did after WW2, in convincing us to rip out the interurban trains and streetcar tracks - the powers behind the global warming *Crisis* are in it for the money.

That said, I have insulated my house, put in double pane windows and any light bulb not flourescent is on a dimmer. We have bought energy star appliances. I drive a little 4 banger truck.

I do this because it saves money - and it's the right thing to do: The sooner we can cut our dependence with the war-torn mideast, the better (although most of their oil goes to Europe, Japan and China). Most of the USA imported oil comes from South America, Mexico and Canada.

Still, if we can make and handle (it's not easy) Hydrogen as a fuel, I'll use it.