The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106644   Message #2204400
Posted By: Rapparee
28-Nov-07 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
Subject: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
We've had a nice globular light out in the front of the house since we moved in. Never had to change the bulb. And about three weeks ago it stopped working.

To make a long story short, one of the previous owners had wired the light by running electrical cable (outdoor type) out of the house, spliced it to cable the runs under the driveway, and that in turn was spliced to the cable to light the light. And now somewhere along the line there is a break in the electrical cable (electricians have checked).

Because there's a damned good chance that the lamp post is set in concrete, not to mention the trouble and expense of running electrical conduit and cable under the driveway, one of the electricians suggested that we replace the current lamp with a solar one.

We like the light out front as it helps people find the place. And it doesn't have to be white, basketball-sized globe we've had. A "carriage lamp" style would be quite acceptable.

Any suggestions?