The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106507   Message #2205390
Posted By: Mr Happy
30-Nov-07 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Noise nuisance
Subject: RE: BS: Noise nuisance

You've my every sympathy.

We too had an excruciatingly noisy person, I purposely don't say 'neighbour', some way from the rear of our house, in one of the council properties.

The noise was often so horrendous from his stereo, that you couldn't sit out in the garden during hot summer days & would have to keep the windows closed-stifling!

To cut a long story short, if seems it wasn't only us he was disturbing & his immediate neighbours got together to obtain help from the council & housing trust in the form of an ASBO!

All quiet since!

Does your perpetrator's behaviour have detrimental effects on your other neighbours?

If so, perhaps try a petition to your local council.

Best of luck!