The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106644   Message #2205448
Posted By: Rapparee
30-Nov-07 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
Subject: RE: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
Well, if they come by in the daytime it will be off. And I can disconnect it if they come by at night -- but if they do that, and the only light showing was the post light out front and, perhaps, candlelight inside, I'd think they figure something out.

We haven't lost power for any length of time in the four years we've lived here. The last time it happened was because a squirrel investigated the substation and managed to fry itself.

Heck, I'd just run a new power line (and do it right!) if it wasn't for the concrete driveway and the probability that the light post is set in concrete inside a surrounding brink planter.

My wife actually suggested just taking out the planter until I reminded here that the inside of the planter is probably concrete and running a jackhammer isn't among my skill set. (Explosives are, but she vetoed that idea pretty quickly for some reason or another.)