The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106644 Message #2206090
Posted By: JohnInKansas
01-Dec-07 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
Subject: RE: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
I don't have enough real estate for a solar system that would be close to break even, but have looked at the feasibility of a generator/battery/inverter system that I could use with our small camper. Even for a tiny system like I'd need (3 KW 120V single phase if I run the air conditioner or microwave) a safe inverter is way out of my tolerable price range1, and that's dirt cheap compared to the 20 - 30 KW(+?) 220 V 2-phase capacity you'd need in order even to think about trading power with the utility guys here.