The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106399   Message #2206093
Posted By: Duderino
01-Dec-07 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: Long-time british jazz musicians
Subject: RE: Long-time british jazz musicians
Taking advantage of the broader format, mention must be made of George Chisholm, who died 10 years ago. Whilst he later became well known more for his manic comic tv performances, he was rated by many to be the first Britsh world-class jazz musician.

Back to the living, the British music scene since the 1960's owes a tremendous debt to Chris Barber for having brought so many US blues and gospel singers over to the UK, which has a direct link to the rise of R'n'B (in its original meaning!)in Britain.

A lot of old Barber recordings are now available on the likes of iTunes, which is wonderful for an expat like me, whose original vinyl stuff is in London. The live recordings retain all their tension and freshness, and what other woman in the UK (Beryl Bryden apart) was singing lyrics 40/50 years ago with the suggestiveness of "Georgia grind" or "There'll be a hot time..."?