The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106644 Message #2206286
Posted By: Rapparee
01-Dec-07 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
Subject: RE: BS: Solar Post Light: Suggestions?
All anyone around here has to do, McGrath, is to drive a very short distance into the hills -- drop around and I'll show you. The city (and I personally) is trying to comply with the "Dark Skies Initiative" -- which is why whatever I get will NOT shed light upwards, but downward where it can do some good.
(In basic training in the Army we went out for night firing. When you'd finished you had to roll over on your back -- a safety measure. Now a lot of the guys were from New York, Chicago, St. Louis, and had never really seen a night sky before. That night there was no moon and the Milky Way was splashed across the sky like a river of thrown paint. The exclamations started -- "Holy Mother of God! What's THAT?" was one of the less profane ones. And finally 210 recruits lay on their backs, stargazing, at a sky many of them had never seen before.)