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Thread #93036   Message #2207262
Posted By: Janie
02-Dec-07 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
Subject: RE: Fiction:The Woman in the Holler
It didn't take long for Sharon to fall into the routine of of being a full-time college student again. She talked with Louie nearly every week, Big Bill less often. When she did, he never mentioned her signing of the farm over to Billy, so she didn't either. In fact, it was clear that Billy was going to be a taboo subject between them. She guessed she understood, Billy was his son after all. But it hurt that the estrangement brought about by the son also put distance between her and the man who had been the nearest thing she had known to a father.   

In November, it was Louie she told that she wouldn't be home for Thanksgiving. He was sorry to hear that, but said with Aunt Kathy gone, no one in the family had been able to come to agreement about Thanksgiving anyway.

"Don't matter none to me what they do," said Louie. " I wasn't plannin' on sittin' down at a table with that jackass Billy anyway. I'm goin' with Hazel Goins to her momma's house for Thanksgiving."

A day or two later Big Bill called. "Billy and I are going out to Dad's for Thanksgiving.   Louie said you aren't planning on coming down?"

"That's right. And if I were, Bill, I'd find somewhere else to go. Billy, as I'm sure you know, still won't have anything to do with me." She had to say at least that much.

"Damnit, Sharon. I'm so sorry about all this." Then, "You did the right thing, girl, giving back to Billy what should have been his to start with. I didn't see it that way at first, but Mom didn't have no business cuttin' him out of the farm like she did. She shoulda known it would cause trouble."

Sharon was too stunned to say anything in reply.

"He's got no excuse now for not speaking to you, or reaching out in some way. I think...."

Finding her voice at last, Sharon cut him off. "Nuff said, Uncle Bill. I'll talk to you soon." She hung up the phone.