The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106567   Message #2207399
Posted By: bfdk
03-Dec-07 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Esteemed BOSS Santa,

Thank you, I shall be looking forward to your communication. I'm actually very good at keeping my fingers to myself. Last year's SS pressie sat undisturbed in a corner from late November until the afternoon of the 24th when I opened the OUTER box and allowed myself to open ONE of the individually wrapped gifts inside (I went straight for the CD-shaped one, I must admit.. ;-)). The rest were opened on Christmas Eve. So, you may safely assume that I can do likewise this year.

Something to keep me quiet for a bit? Uhm... not a gag and a signed photo of George W. Bush, I hope? That *would* scare me into silence and not only for a bit, that's for sure!

Esteemed BOSS Santa, you keep talking of edibles, Danish pastry, bacon slices and the like.. Do you work in the food industry or catering business, by any chance?

Reverent greetings,


Meg and Giok - "By their friends shall ye know them", eh? Oops, guess I just incriminated myself big time there!!