The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21006   Message #220752
Posted By: Grandma Marshall
01-May-00 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Help: Jam session in Cleveland
Subject: RE: Help: Jamming in Cleveland
There 'ya go, now I've done it! I have joined as an authentic Grandma who's about to become a Great Grandma sometime this month! But that doesn't stop me and Bill from having a gig now and then. Last one at our local Library here in Lakewood, Ohio. We played Cajun tunes with a little history of the people and their exile from Canada to Louisiana (just one of the places they were sent to)and ended our 1 hr. show with the 12 Days of a Cajun Christmas. (pretty funny when you speak in a Cajun/english accent I must say). This particular prg. was titled: HOW'S A BAYOU? Anyway, I want to ask anyone---I'm a weaver/knitter who wants to trade my work for a nice fiddle/case that plays ok, doesn't need anything done to the instrument and it has to be worth about $100. to $200. to get one of my rugs. Any takers out there? Drop an e-mail to