The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20927   Message #220761
Posted By: RichM
01-May-00 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Indian giver- meaning please?
Subject: RE: Indian giver- meaning please?

From my own part-native background and from more knowledgeable native friends, I have always understood the term to mean that a native NA would occasionally take back the gift-if he felt he needed it. This relates to tradition among some tribes that goods are to be shared among the members of the tribe when need arises. The concept of private property was and is different from European traditions. Elijah Harper, who was an aboriginal Canadian member of Parliament, for instance has used his own funds-and he was never a rich man-to support directly the education of about 150 young aboriginal people.--Another definition of an "Indian giver" :)
