The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106746   Message #2207968
Posted By: Bobert
03-Dec-07 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wes Ginny Slide Rule Breakthrough!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Wes Ginny Slide Rule Breakthrough!!!
Yeah, LH, it really sucks...

After the WGSR gets the womenz wirin' thing figurated out I'm gonna put it on SBS which, after fighurin' out womenz, oughtta be like a walk in the park...

Butt I gotta agree... Mick may still have the chops butt he ain't got butt...

Purdy friggin' disheartenin', I'd say...

BTW, Sorch... Thanks fir them kind words even if they are all lies... It was sweet of you and just part of what the WGSR is tryin' to figure out...

(Butt, Bobert, you coulda said that Sorch gotta a nice butt??? Like whats' the diff???)

Well, she does, that's the diff...

Nevermind all this butt-talk when we are on the threashold of solvin' the "Big Question"...
