The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106567   Message #2208672
Posted By: GUEST,MeganL's Impish Secret Santa
04-Dec-07 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Megan, my Dear, that beady thing is whatever you chose it to be. If it will serve you for a necklace, go ahead and use it as one. I'm not sure exactly what it was originally intended for myself, you see. I'm only glad if you can find use for the little items I've selected for your pleasure!

Is your Dauvitt sucking licorice now? Has he worn out the dummy already? My, my, he must be more grumpy than men are most - and that's saying something. Maybe he can make you muffins while you fiddle with the peedie bits?

I hope you're still watching the mail, one of the elves was sent to the post office just recently.