The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20955   Message #220887
Posted By: GUEST,JZG
01-May-00 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: Help: Instrument carry bags?
Subject: Instrument carry bags?
A slightly odd question maybe -- has anyone ever seen such a thing as a padded instrument bag, not the same as a case or a gig bag, but something you could wear and safely slip a small stringed instrument into when you weren't using it? I'm doing some music onstage in a play, and have a logistical problem where I have to exit while playing a mandolin *and* carrying a fiddle I used earlier in the scene. The other musicians can't carry it for me because they're playing too. A bag I could put it in would solve the problem -- I'll probably have to make it myself, for costuming reasons, but if something already exists maybe I could get one and disguise it somehow ...

Are they out there? Not the sort of thing a musician needs most of the time, I know -- theater complicates things!