The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106685   Message #2209653
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Dec-07 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Subject: RE: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Great picture, Peace!

282RA - My, my, you are quite concerned about this, aren't you? Just as much as you claim that I am.

So who put the monkey on your back? ;-) Why can't you stay away from these threads and this subject?

I do not object to people stating that they are atheists. I object them trying to force everyone else to be one too by suggesting that everyone who isn't an atheist is an idiot...that is why I objected to the post that started this thread. As I've said many times, I would far rather be around some honest, dependable atheists, than some dishonest, undependable people who are religious! Underline that. Most of all, I'd rather be around honest, dependable people who live their own beliefs in peace and allow others to do the same. I ENJOY being in a society with many beliefs, many viewpoints. I don't WANT everyone to be the same.

I think you are suffering from the same problem you accuse me of...and if you want an understanding of why I'm interested in it, you need to read some advanced spiritual writings that Christian fundamentalists have never looked into in their lives and never will...but you never will either, because you're not uninterested in such writings. Just like I'm uninterested in Mr Dawkins. If he wants to convince me that fundamentalist Christians are wrong, he'd be telling me something I already knew a long, long time ago!!! ;-)

As far as I'm concerned you're railing at people similar to yourself (religious fundamentalists) because their fossilized attitude toward life and their rank prejudice toward those who don't share their values reminds you of yourself. It's the mirror-image of you. They hate you like you hate them.

Their left hand is your right hand, and vice versa.

Keep in mind, I'm talking rather dispassionately here. I see no reason to engage in the sort of highly emotional spewing of hatred and personal insults that our disagreement on this subject brings forth out of you...because what good would it do? And why should I hate you, just because we disagree about something?

It's not that important, believe me. There will be plenty of religious fundamentalists, plenty of atheists, and plenty of prejudice between them both long after you and I are dead and gone.