The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106812   Message #2209886
Posted By: GLoux
06-Dec-07 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Open Up Those Pearly Gates
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Open Up Those Pearly Gates
I found other versions already here, but I didn't find the original Carson Robison version that I believe is where the later versions are derived. I do it in the key of C.

Open Up Them Pearly Gates                        (Carson Robison)

Open up them pearly gates, open up them pearly gates,
Open up them pearly gates for me, halleluiah-luiah
When you hear that trumpet blast,
I'll be comin' home at last,
Open up them pearly gates for me.

Come on all you sinners, if you wanna get to heaven heaven,
You'd better get right down on your knees and pray.
All you gamblin' sinners, you'd better stop playin' "Seven-eleven"
Get yourself prepared for judgement day.

I done had a vision, seen them pearly gates a-closin', closin'
And I seen you sinners all outside.
You better make your decision, pray that you'll be chosen, chosen;
It's a gonna be too late; well you better lay down and die.


Go out to your chicken roost and ask yourself an honest question,
And the Lord will know it if you lie.
You better cut all them chickens loose or you're gonna die from indigestion,
When you eat them stolen chicken pies.

Oh, take that keg of gin, dump it everything right in the river,
Don't let old Satan stay your hand,
And if you fill it up again, it'll eat a hole right in your liver,
And the gate won't open, when, you reach that promised land.
