The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106685   Message #2210019
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Dec-07 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Subject: RE: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
"Well, they want to tackle the abortion issue. They want to tackle the gay marriage issue. Neither of those have anything to do with Christianity either."


"There is not a word about abortion in the entire bible and David eulogizes Jonathan by saying his love was more pleasurable than that of women."


"The point is, people need to have access to abortions--safe and legal abortions. Christians have no right to try and take that away."


"Gay marriage doesn't hurt anybody whatsoever and Christians have no right to try and ban love between human beings."


"Cigarettes are a deadly poison sold openly to people by execs with no conscience who rake in millions a year if not billions, killing millions annually worldwide, poisoning even those who choose not to smoke...."

AGREED!!!! And how. I have hated cigarettes with a passion since I was old enough to breathe, let alone walk, and I come from a non-smoking family, and have never been a smoker. I consider the tobacco-selling business to be a giant drug-pushing operation, and I would be pleased to see it removed from the face of the Earth (Except for some traditional people such as Native Americans who grow, harvest, and smoke their own if they wish to, but do NOT sell it commercially to anyone. That I could put up with, because it's part of their ancient culture.)

"...and Christians don't seem to find this immoral enough to organize against it."

Ummm...that depends on which Christians you are referring to. There are many people opposed to smoking, and more than a few of them are Christians, but the vocally noticeable protesting Christian pressure groups who happen to bug you (and me) are so busy yelling about abortion and gay marriage and stuff like that that they perhaps haven't the time or energy to yell about tobacco abuse??? That would be my guess. Besides, would the press cover it if they did? Naw...not newsworthy. The press WILL cover it if they picket an abortion clinic or a movie they don't like....THAT's considered newsworthy! ;-) Reasonable Christians who mind their own business are NOT considered newsworthy, so don't expect to hear about them on the 6 O'Clock News.

"I'm saying if they REALLY care about doing something good for humanity then go after something like that and stop trying to hurt innocent people."


"And I'm only talking about activist Christians. I don't care about nominal ones. This is for the ones who can't mind their own fucking business just have to try and save the whole world from itself. Christians who mind their own business I have no issue with."


See, we aren't so much at odds as you thought. In fact, we are barely at odds whatsoever when it comes to actual issues.