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Thread #106685   Message #2210123
Posted By: Bill D
06-Dec-07 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Subject: RE: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Right now, there are entire TV programs and segments 'examining' the various US presidential candidates' religious preference and the presumed relevance to their character and abilities.
It sort of started because Romney & Huckabee have deeply held positions which seem to cast doubt on their neutrality on various issues.
   What it has led to is a rush by ALL candidates to assure voters that they ALL 'believe in God and Jesus' and will uphold Christian values...though they **of course** would NEVER let those beliefs interfere with their job, should they become president.

What I see in all of this is that the supposed Constitutional "separation of Church and State" has become almost a joke. What does it mean when, as soon as a candidate declares he is running, he is immediately quizzed on his religious affiliation and it's details? ....Well, first it means that it is EXTREMELY unlikely that a person with no Christian affiliation could possibly be elected, no matter how well qualified.
   Next, it means that if he does declare an affiliation, entire block of voters will dissect it and issue proclamations of approval or warning.

Does anyone remember how Dwight Eisenhower had to search for a handy, low-key church to be 'seen' in?

   It has become a major issue in American politics and is affecting the very fabric of how we conduct elections. Doesn't the sight of various Theocracies in the world tell us how dangerous it is to **REQUIRE** a specific form of religious belief of our leaders? How long until one of these leaders moves to do and end run around that phrase "shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion"?

   I try VERY hard to respect the rights of others TO believe as they choose, but I also see de facto if not de jure encroachment on MY rights to not believe. George Bush has done many things to reduce and limit the separation of Church & State, and I fear that more forces are at work to extend this, even if the most religiously committed candidates are not elected.

It is foolish to do as Ed did and and just state that "there aren't any gods"...but it is even more foolish to state that there are, and that we MUST accept a particular set if we are to have any voice in shepherding this country thru its various troubles.