The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106685   Message #2210163
Posted By: john f weldon
06-Dec-07 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Subject: RE: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Question: Does anyone actually believe in God?

This is a tougher question than you might think.

I don't mean...

1) That belief in God is to be defended, on principle.

2) That belief in God is wholesome.

3) That God is a concept that causes good behaviour.

4) That there is some unifying force, some vague principal (such as the Tao) which one might call God.

5) That Gospel music is nice to hear and sing.

In my life I have met hundreds, possibly thousands of people. Many claim to believe in God, but, when pressed, admit that they don't really. It's a social necessity, a political necessity, a mean of community cohesiveness.

If you believe in an anthropomorphic being who intercedes in human affairs; answers prayer; created the universe; and deals with souls after they die....
...if you believe all of that, then you believe in God.

Less than that is mere pretence, with no more depth or importance than a Hallmark card.
