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Thread #106771   Message #2210691
Posted By: Bobert
07-Dec-07 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Revamped US Intellegence Services???

What are you smokin', T-zer... What Bush has done is politicized intellegence... Cheney spent alot of time in Langley during the sellin' of the Iraq War... What was that all about???

(But, Bobert, can you provide a list of dates and contacts???)

Well, no, like Cheney's "Energy Plan" (whatever his energy plan is/was???) Bush is using executive privledge to keep the American people from knowing precisely how many visits Cheney made to CIA but the Washington Post has reported on several occasions over the last few years that Cheney not only made many trips but also pressured career intellegence people... BTW, many career intllegence folk have quit citing the politicization of the agency as their reason for leaving...

Now, T, if you think that the CIA should be a political arm of the Republican Party, then, yeah, Bush has at least tried to make it that... If that is what revamping means to you then I'll give Bush credit where it's due... He has run off a lot of folks who don't believe it is the CIA's job to furnish cherry picked intellegence...

As for the "You're either with us or against us"... That is just plain stupid as the cornerstone of diplomacy which involves dialogue... This world ain't all black and white except in the minds of the fringe radicals... UIf they want to get in a big room and duke it out, I'm all for that but leave the rest of us alone... Yeah, next to "Mission Accomplished", "You're either with us ot against us" is the most rediculous statement that has come out of Bush's mouth and the next administartion is going to have to put in alot of overtime in fixing a failed foriegn policies that that one statement has brought down on US...

As for the DHS... Bush fought it tooth and nail but the Dems out-muscled him and got it... It was a Dem plan from the jump...

Lets see what else you have claimed... Oh yeah, "Taking the fight to the enemy"... Is that why the US invaded Iraq??? Was Saddam in on 9/11??? I thought we have had this discussion but if we have to conduct a refresher course on this we can...

Intellegence gathering powers??? I guess if you think that running habeas corpes thru the shreader is a worthy endeaver then, yeah, I can see where you might see this as a positive... Personally, I think that habeas corpes as a centuries old rule of law that seperates civilized nations from uncivilized nations... I guess we see things much differently here as you seem willing to have folks arrested without charges, tortured and then held forever without any recourse...

As for Bush acting to protect US quicker now then before 9/11 I'd only point to New Orleans... Real fast, heh???...

That's about it for now, T...

I still don't see one thing on your list that Bush has done that has made me or the world any safer...
