The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106871   Message #2211447
Posted By: JohnInKansas
08-Dec-07 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: CompUSA to CLOSE ALL STORES
Noted in another thread, but there probably are enough people interested that a separate thread is merited:

[the news]

CompUSA is sold; will close all stores

Struggling consumer electronics retailer will offer big holiday discounts

The Associated Press
updated 7:22 p.m. CT, Fri., Dec. 7, 2007

DALLAS - Consumer electronics retailer CompUSA said Friday it will close its store operations after the holidays following sale of the company to Gordon Brothers Group LLC, a restructuring firm. Financial terms weren't disclosed.

CompUSA operates 103 stores, which plan to run store-closing sales during the holidays.

Privately held CompUSA, controlled by Mexican financier Carlos Slim Helu's Grupo Carso SA, said discussions were under way to sell certain stores in key markets. Stores that can't be sold will be closed.

[end of news - the speculation]

Some stores may be sold to other operators, and the story implies that they could continue to use the CompUSA name but would not have to. The network of suppliers and "house branded" merchandise likely will disappear.

The best to be said about it is there may be some good sales during the holiday shopping season.

A particular concern in my town, since CompUSA has been the only reeasonably stocked computer shop within about 180 miles.
