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Thread #75099   Message #2211754
Posted By: Nickhere
09-Dec-07 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
Subject: RE: BS: Who's Next? Iran or Korea?
Teribus, here's the brief reply as it's late and I must get off to bed soon.

"As a signatory of the 1968 NPT Iran is obligated by the same Treaty that permits exchange of nuclear technology to declare absolutely everything connected with its nuclear programme"

Signed under the Shah (installed by the US, since deposed, new regime in force now, but anyway they seem willing to - grudingly - comply with IAEA inspections: when can we expect the USA to do the same?)

"Iran, or more correctly Iran's Revolutionary Council, currently sponsors International Terrorist Organisations'

So says the same people who said Saddam had WMD etc., etc., any old excuse... even if it is true, it would be a case of the kettle calling the pot black. Ever heard of the 'School of the Americas', old chum? The USA has sponsored terrorism by the bucket load since ages ago. It's just that no one has been able to call it to book since it does happen to be the world's main superpower, able to act above the law. No wonder the US refused to sign up to the International Court etc.,

"The US has never threatened Iran with any form of action whatsoever beyond those sought through UN Sanctions and trade restrictions that can be imposed on trade between the US and Iran"

Evidently we watch different TV stations, read different papers. BTW it's the US who has a massive fleet off the coast of Iran, it's troops in the neighbouring country, not the other way round. Come on, seriously - if the tables were turned and Iran had its soldiers swarming along the borders of the USA (having invaded Canada and Mexico) and its guns trained on Washington DC would you or would you not consider them acting at least provocatively if not belligerently? That's not including the long litany of acts against Iran, the shooting down of flight IR 655 etc., etc., arming Saddam to attack Iran by proxy.

Star Wars 'defensive'? Yes, in the same way nuclear missiles are said to be defensive: no one will attack you if you have them but they have offensive applications also.

If Iran had as much as a water pistol, Bush would be stomping around yelling about the 'threat to the world's safety' Bush has done nothing to make the world a safer place, quiet the opposite on the contrary. If he's allowed to continue, it can only get worse.

Now, any chance of you answering one of my questions -

"And as sure as night is day, just as has happened in Iraq, thousands upon thousands of Iranian civilians will die or have their lives reduced to abject misery. Is that all right with you?" ?