The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106871   Message #2212287
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Dec-07 - 12:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: CompUSA to CLOSE ALL STORES
I've always liked our local CompUSA stores. They provided good service and competent help. Our local stores closed last year and the nearest is in the next county, so I haven't been over. I usually compared prices at Fry's and CompUSA when making a large purchase, and I've bought several computers from CompUSA over the years. If you think Best Buy is a bargain then you've obviously never had their pushy sales folks insist that you really need their additional service contract, or had them lie to your face about something they should fix but refuse to. They take it back where you can't see what they're doing (or not doing) and return a few minutes later and say "it works just fine" even if whatever it is won't power up, whatever. The first and last time I had a service contract with Best Buy on a computer I bought there it was a nightmare trying to get the computer fixed. And a friend who used to work there has some horror stories about the service and repair operations. I refuse to buy anything substantial from them.