The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106905   Message #2213040
Posted By: GUEST,old git
11-Dec-07 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: Jim Eldon Appreciation Society
Subject: RE: Jim Eldon Appreciation Society
I still have a worn copy of the "Loaded Dice" cassette by Jim Eldon and the Allsorts. All sons by Jim..including "Pools Win" and "Custom Car Kid"'s brilliant! My two (young at the time) daughters were grat fand and insisted I get them his autograph !!! The Allsorts are those notables Richard Wastling,Brian Slater,Dave Hill,Wayne Nicholls and John Craft.   By the way Sedayne , The Jim Eldon Appreciation Society was started By Brenda Spence and Pete Fletcher at Nellie's (White Horse Folk Club) in the early 80s(or it might have been the late 70s). I was an early member.
As well as those soft toys that Lynette made he also used to sell clowns and monkeys on sticks...a craft he'd learnt from travelling folk when collecting somgs from them. I remember at one Towersey festival Jim and Bill Caddick....(perhaps having imbibed a little too much) walking through the audience during a set by Roaring Jelly with usherettes trays shouting "Get your stuffed vermin" This was soon brought to an end as they walked on the stage and a hedgehog's head was bitten off. Yes Jim is a one-off!
Ossonflags...yes I remember the wooden flutes. In fact he sold one of his very old ones to a friend of mine Paul Blackburn,with instructions to keep it in a barrel of water overnight to preserve its tone
As for the scratchy fiddle playing ,Villan....try listening beyond that...particularly at live performances..he's a great entertainer.
These days I usually meet Jim at Maritime festivals..and the trilby and leather jacket have been replaced by a suit!!
As you can probably guess I'm a fan.