The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2214189
Posted By: Bobert
12-Dec-07 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Ahhhhhhh, yes... You have finally gotten it right, bb, so give yersel;f a gold star...

No, let me award you a gold star...

Yes, there were areas that Blix reported were troublesome... There were things that he wished hadn't happened... There was the cultural aspects that I learned about in dealing with Kuwaits and Saudis... These thing are going to occur... I mean, lets get real here... The inspectors left in what, 1998 and things weren't goin' to run like Swiss watch... It would have been unreasonable to expect anything different...

But in another area of the report Blix said this:

"In the past two months, UNMOVIC has built-up its capabilities in Iraq from nothing to 260 staff members from 60- countries. This includes approximately 100 UNMOVIC inpestors, 60 air operations inspectors, 60 air operations staff, as well as security personnel, communicati8on, tranlatio9n and interprtation staff, medical suppoprt and other services at our Baghdad office and Mosul filed office."

This is the reality that you, bb, refuse to accept... This was all done in 2 friggin' months!!! Heck I can't get a friggin' doctor's appointemnt in 2 months here in the good ol' US of A but all this was accomplished in just 2 friggin' months?!?!??!?!?....

So, bottom line, if you take Dr. Bliz's reprt one the whole you don't go tellin' him to get his friggin' inspectors the heck out 'cause you have lost patience...

You just don't...

Yeah, I know that I am addressing a brick wall here who is no longer capabale of ***independent*** thought but you know what??? I've been on the side of humanity since the very beginning here... I have no political axe to grind... I'm not a Democrat... So I am way beyond "True Believerism", unlike you, bb, who worships at the feet ot George Bush...

I have the freedom of looking at the "facts" and drawing my own conclusions... I don't have an allegience to some politacal party where I will defend to the death every fu*ked up policy that they beleive in...

I feel sorry for you, bb... I woudl hate to find myself a prisoner of George Bush but it it obvious to me that you are perfectly willing prisoner, with papers in order...
