The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106997   Message #2214461
Posted By: Bee
13-Dec-07 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: seeing rainbows, cataracts?
Subject: RE: BS: seeing rainbows, cataracts?
'Spikey glows around lights' is a reasonable description of myopia (near-sightedness). It's what I would see around lights, or the stars. For the 'rainbows', I say get thee to an eyedoctor, pronto.

I'm fortunate in that my opthalmologist is the same age as I, has the same degree of myopia I have, and now has the very beginnings of cataract formation as I have. He knows what to look for when I come in. There's no obvious problem from the cataracts yet; he said it will likely be five years before I begin to notice any deterioration in vision.

Donuel, I know you are a visual artist, as I am. Get those eyes looked after, as much can be done before things get serious. If you wear glasses, it could be as simple as a poorly ground set of lenses - I had a pair once which drove me mad, because they tinted everything slightly blue, and no one else could see it when I showed them the lenses. When my eye doctor tested them, he saw that they were indeed badly tempered, and were slightly tinted blue.