The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2214867
Posted By: Bobert
13-Dec-07 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Okay, let's do a little review here of the various arguments that have come forth from Bush and/or his lap-dog supporters:

1. Mushroom clouds

2. Aluminum tubes

3. Various and sundry WMD's

4. 45 days to make a nuke

5. Saddam tried to kill my daddy

6. Saddam is a bad man

7. Clinton told US to do it

8. Iraq needs democracy

9. The UN made us do it

10. Iraq is better off now without Saddam

Hmmmm??? If your side can't even keep your justifications straight, bb, it should come as no wonder that many folks who didn't buy any of that crap are now well beyond suspect when we hear you folks respin it as if it will change the fact that this was one of the, if not the worst, foriegn policy blunders in the history of the US...

It's bad enough that it has weakned our military, tarnished our reputation around the world, cut into the money for programs that our own citizens need but even worse considering the the huge collaterial damage on mothers, like yours, fathers, garndparents, brothers, sons, daughters, sisters, aunt and uncles...

This is the sddest part of this entire tragedy and one that I don't think that Bush's defenders, let alone Bush himself, understand... To you folks it is like some western movie where everything is fake.. Problem is that it isn't fake... All the carpola you folks write won't bring back any of these people...

There are estimates of upwards of a million people who have been killed and/or wounded by this unilaterial decision... This blood is on your hands... Not mine...

If you thought that Saddam was such a bad man then you should have had him killed and left everyone else alone... That was an option that your guys had... Why didn't you do that???

Becasue yuou wanted a war... You thirsted for a war... You wanted to see your Shock 'n Awe becauase most of you who are supportive of this war knopw nothin' about war... To you it is a political game... You won't be the ones who die... And be asked to kill... No, from the safety of yer little worlds in front of pixil box and your little computers you are safe from being hurt or killed...

There is plenty of war left if either you, bb, or yer bud, T, want to enlist...

Didn't think so...
