The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106567   Message #2214978
Posted By: GUEST,Tabster's Secret Santa
13-Dec-07 - 10:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Well, old Santa's had computer trouble and just got his computer back from the computer elves. And he's lost a lot of stuff from it.

So, Tabster ol' girl, your pressies haven't gone out yet. And it might be even a couple of days after Christmas, because those stupid lazy wonderful elves are working night and day to load ol' Santa's sleigh. In fact, some mediocre boys and girls aren't going to get their presents on Christmas morning because I'm keeping them all! because of Santa's computer breakdown.

Buck up, old girl! Chin up and all that rot! Just relax and think of England!

Some day, your pressies will come,
Some day, your pressies will come....