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Thread #107012   Message #2215582
Posted By: M.Ted
14-Dec-07 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Wins Debate Moment With Hillary
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Wins Debate Moment With Hillary
The general feeling, even among Republicans, is that as long as he or she is breathing, the Democratic candidate is going to be elected. That's why the only Republicans who are running are folks who are considered to be unelectable.

If we have learned nothing else in the last number of Presidential elections, it that anyone who is elected to public office in Massachussetts is, of necessity, way to liberal for even moderates in the rest of the country. Sorry, Mitt--

And, sorry Rudy, but that "New Yorker" attitude doesn't work for anyone South of Staten Island.

As for Mike Huckabee, when there is pandemic revulsion at the role that the religious right has played in washington--How much chance does Baptist minister from Arkansas, whose claim to fame is that he is an "Authentic"conservative" have?

Fred Thompson was supposed sweep in and rally the party behind him because he is both a conservative and an actor, just like the Beloved Ronnie--but if you've seen "Law and Order" you know that he's not much of an actor--

And then there's Ron Paul, the Republican Dennis Kucinich--he says all the right things, and still can't get anyone to vote for him--

And then there is Alan Keyes, who, as a trained operatic singer, is the Republican answer to Al Sharpton. Rather than running for president, he seems to be auditioning for the role of Mephistopheles.