The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107012   Message #2215630
Posted By: michaelr
14-Dec-07 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Wins Debate Moment With Hillary
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Wins Debate Moment With Hillary
"intelligent, likeable, moderate, direct, rational, humorous, and caring"...

Name the last president who was elected on those traits.

I'm afraid the last few posters have a tenuous grip on reality concerning the mindset of the majority of Americans. Yes, McGrath, they really are that messed up.

Riginslinger -- the answer is Edwards (not that I like the guy - he's a millionaire trial lawyer, fer fuxakes).

If Clinton or Obama end up being the Dem nominee, 51% of voters will see past any flaws in the Repubs, and elect a shitheel like Giuliani, or a nut job like Romney.

Mark my words.