The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107029   Message #2215931
Posted By: Bill D
15-Dec-07 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Human Consciousness & Perceived Reality
Subject: RE: BS: Human Consciousness & Perceived Reality
Well, Bobert, some of what Janie is 'brainstorming' is causing MY head to swirl and strain a bit as it tries to expand enough to take in the nuances, both obvious & implied, of her insights. It ain't exactly 'hurting', but I need to chew (metaphorically) on it a bit before hurling myself into the midst of some quite challenging and important ideas about the 'us-ness' of us.

Durn, Janie...I wish you'd done this at a less busy time.....but I am tracing the thread just in case it slips off the bottom when I am not here. I want to read it again, slowly.

("hey, Bill", says a little voice from somewhere deep inside, "you know you CAN print the durn thing and carry a copy around so you can make note in the margins!"
"Why, thank you", little voice, I reply, "I might just do that!"