The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107029   Message #2216211
Posted By: Mrrzy
15-Dec-07 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Human Consciousness & Perceived Reality
Subject: RE: BS: Human Consciousness & Perceived Reality
And another cool finding...

If your language has a word for blue and a separate word for green, you will sort red, blue and green chips into 3 different piles if asked to sort by color, and you will pick the same blue as others when asked to pick the best example of blue - and it won't be teal, or turquoise, or periwinkle, it will be plain blue.
If your language has a word that covers both blue and green, you'll put the blue and green chips into one pile and the red ones in another. But if asked to pick the best example of "bleen" or "grue" or whatever your word for both green and blue is, you'll still pick the "prototype" blue (or the prototype green) - not the blue-green central color.
See Rosch/Heider for more cool color perception and language research.