The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106912   Message #2216269
Posted By: Barry Finn
15-Dec-07 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: Dec. Shanty Session@the PressRoom (NH)
Subject: RE: Dec. Shanty Session@the PressRoom (NH)
"we managed to stumble along the best we could"

Hell, it was a riotous affair. It was a powerhouse session. All or at least most of 3 Sheets To The Wind was there, of which the Thompsom boys (father & son) were in sharp form along with other 3 Sheeter family members Rose & David with harmony wiz kid Colin doing what they've become well know for=Harmony Singing, the other 3 Shitter hubby & wife team Peter & Joanne adding their colorful side to the onslaught & being brought along from the rear by storm by Captain Gardner "Gardi", along with Tim & Martha. Early leavers, polywogs Steve, Dave & Bruce made some peeps but had to drift off for other gigs. Jeff blew in late to pick up any slack that had been left by the draft going out by Mark & Emery, who had both sung a few gems. Peter was in the corner but he was well heard from none the less there were others too but I can't remember everyone & some I didn't know, oh Jeri, she looked great in my furry flop eared mule hat but she sounded much better than she looked (next time Jeri, keep your head out of my fur???). But the froth & the foam on the crest of the wave was the presence of the "Nue Yockers" Al (of the NY Packet) & Barbara & other Packers Frank also an Ex-Seamans Institute alumni & Alison Kelly-Kraan present Johnson Girl & NexTradition member were all welcomed with loving arms & they sure did a number on the rest of us, the Main-e-acks (Tami & Trubrit) were looking to take them home into the cold north coast but alas no CD's but they now got an earful of memories & will probably hit South Street Seaport for their next musical outing.
The foor was being torn up & the rafters were being pulled down but we did, barely, behave ourselves & have a great time & a wonderful sing in the process.
