The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106685   Message #2216691
Posted By: Stringsinger
16-Dec-07 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Subject: RE: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Hi Susan,

"I don't understand why people-- religious or non-religious-- are afraid to open the doors to thinking or asking about things.... I CAN understand why folks sometimes assume that certain tradtions may inhibit the opening of the doors, but I would think that all doors that can be opened would inform the subject."

I thoroughly agree. This is why I think it would be instructive to question the nature of religion and test it scientifically. I agree that an informed discussion is desirable.
Close-mindedness and vituperation don't shed light on anything.

It's very difficult to talk past one another without directly answering the questions
that are posed. I think thiat the answering of these questions entail a certain respect for the people asking them without name-calling or opinionated denegration of ideas often dismissed without considerable thought.

The rigors of analysis are often avoided by drawing lines in the sand. I maintain that there are many non-believers out there who prefer not to be drawn into the discussion of the existence of God because they see the futility of dealing with rabid opinions. I think that the future will entail an extensive examination of the role of religion and how it impacts on the way a society conducts itself. I can see this as being only useful. Maybe a model of how a society can ethically conduct itself can be revealed.
