The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106685   Message #2217860
Posted By: theleveller
18-Dec-07 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Subject: RE: BS: There aren't any Gods (not even Jesus)
Well, nickhere, nothing I haven't heard a thousand times before - must be some sort of brainwashing that you godsquad people get. What it boils down to is that it's all a matter of belief. You believe all the god and Jesus stuff from the bible - fine. I don't, I have my own personal beliefs that I don't try to shove down anyone's throat - equally fine. My belief is as valid as yours. You'll never prove the existence or otherwise of god, so what's the point in trying? The whole point of any religion is faith, not certainty. I once heard the Archbishop of Bristol say something to the effect that people with absolute certainty in the existence of god frightened him to death; it was those who were constantly searching that he identified with. Absolute certainty equals absolute arrogance, in my opinion.