The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2218071
Posted By: Bobert
18-Dec-07 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
As per usual...

Neither of the usual two suspects have offered any evidence that:

1.) bb didn't misquote me

2.) that, unlike what the Washington Post has reprorted, that Bush wasn't told that Iran had curtailed it's nuclear-weapons program in 2003...

Just the usual smoke and mirrors defense...

For the record... One cannot find one single Bobert quote that reads, "Dr. Hans Bix stated the Iraqis were coopertaing fully with UNMOVIC"... This is what bb said I said...

I have, however, said that Dr. Blix reported that the Iraqi's were cooperating in letting the inspectors inspect where ever they wanted... That is found in Dr. Blix's Jan. 27th report to the UN... I have actually quoted three different parts of the report but I have never made the statement that bb says I made...

This is what I mean, folks... The T&b tag team repeatedly ***invents 'n twists*** what I say to fit their various arguments...

Then I am accused of not telling the truth!!?!?!?

Like what that all about???

Nevrmind, I'm not a psycho-anaylist...

Plus, I gotta go to work...

