The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2218422
Posted By: beardedbruce
18-Dec-07 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
"Will you please rstate the time and post where I said these exact words: "Dr. Hans Blix stated the Iraqis were fully cooperating with UNMOVIC", por favor... Oh, I see, now you are saying that I didn't say that... Hmmmmmm??? But then you say you gave me the time and post when I said it, or didn't say it... Can you make up your mind, bruce???"

Obviously, you suffer from a lack of comprehension. I WAS QUOTING a post ( which I was replying to, and which I gave YOU the posting information on.

You are incapable of stating what ** I ** have said, much less what others here have said, it seems. You seem to insist on making false statements.

A. I was not the one saying you had said "Dr. Hans Blix stated the Iraqis were fully cooperating with UNMOVIC" as you accuse me of: I was replying to Frank's comment.

B. I have not stated you were OR were not stating that - "Oh, I see, now you are saying that I didn't say that... " is another invalid ( not true to fact) statement.

C. I gave the time of the POST I was replying to, with the quoted words - "But then you say you gave me the time and post when I said it, or didn't say it..." is another lie.

It seems that you are more interested in making false statements about what others have said or think than in attempting to justify your own statements with any evidence. Perhaps because of the falsehood of those statements? ** I ** don't know WHY you keep telling lies- After all, YOU have stated that you are NOT a liar.