The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107020   Message #2218485
Posted By: jonm
18-Dec-07 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Martin Simpson on Later with Jools - archived show
Subject: RE: Martin Simpson on Later with Jools - archived show
Duncan and Brady is probably the song from 'Prodigal Son' which best showcases his talents as a guitarist best in 2 1/2 minutes. I am glad he was also given the opportunity to record another one off-air, for which 'Never Any Good' was the obvious choice.

I think all of the one-off artists this series have had as brief a time.

Jools has an incredibly subtle sense of irony in some of his "fawning" comments where you get the impression he is less than enamoured with the performer - always people who DON'T get the website extras.

And why Beirut? They sell records, more than Martin, because their music appeals to some people. Maybe they are few and far between on a folk website, but nevertheless true.

If a few people go out and buy 'Prodigal Son' on the back of the Jools show, then Martin's profile - and that of folk music in general - will increase. To the benefit of us all.

Maybe if we all wrote to the BBC thanking them for the opportunity to hear the performances, next time he (or insert next folkie to appear) may get more exposure.