The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2219429
Posted By: Teribus
19-Dec-07 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
As Bobert, as usual seems reluctant to answer a perfectly simple question maybe someone else will:

Can you explain how the President knew in August the conclusions of a report whose preliminary conclusions were only presented on 15th November to Vice President Cheney, national security advisor Stephen J. Hadley and other senior officials. And whose final conclusions were only reached on 27th November?

Note - Applicable year to all dates/months mentioned above is 2007.

Oh and Bobert, Bush going AWOL that's another of your myths. By all means open it up for discussion and I'll bat it down one more time. By the way what ever happened to those "Heads on Sticks on the White House lawn"? or the 3000 Patriot Missiles raining down on Baghdad? And the never to be forgotten 1,000,000 dead Iraqi's who ain't dead at all, Hopkins and the other crowd is it ORB? only thought that they may be dead as a result of batch sampling.