The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106567   Message #2219704
Posted By: Megan L
20-Dec-07 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Dear Santa
Dauvitt says so many elves have made a break for freedom this year that he is sending the elf inspector down to check on those remaining. the one that arrived this morning claimed political ayylum claiming all he ever got to do was count peedie bits and he wasnt even alowed to purloin some sweeties.

I will look forward eagerly to final pressie of the season and will probably be to busy skelpin Dauvitt and keepin ma new family o elves in line tae notice if its a peedie bittie late.

I got intae trouble frae McKenzie and co honestly santa i wis bein good all I said wis.

"Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, Ahv got the best santa on Mudcat, "

Noo whit wis wrang wie that:)